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Post Training Perks
With EMDR Experts!

Innovative Teaching Approaches
Your experience with Envision doesn’t end with the completion of your Basic EMDR Training. Envision offers the most comprehensive post-training support to help you continue your learning journey and become an expert EMDR.
Lifetime support
When you enroll in our Basic EMDR or Deluxe EMDR training programs, you receive a complimentary Envision membership. This means you'll have ongoing support to deepen your EMDR practice. These post-training extras are yours to enjoy indefinitely—no expiration date!
Learn at your own pace
You have access at all times to the EMDR Training Recording. Review the course content as needed.
Discover all our Post Training Perks:

Post training study groups to review the course material with EMDRIA-approved consultants (attend live or watch on-demand)

Post training specialized advanced session to deepen your knowledge and EMDR skills (attend live or watch on-demand)

Access to specialized EMDR resources & EMDR video library with session demonstration

1 Time free access to an EMDR refresher course. Audit the course in the future to stay abreast of any new development

Access to the training recording for 1 year to review the material at your own pace.

Weekly office hours with the trainer for individual support and questions

Certificate with continuing education credits included at no additional cost

Interest free
monthly payment plan
(up to 10!)
Be a part of an ongoing supportive learning community
Online Study group
Attend live via Zoom or watch the recording later at your own pace
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Connect with kike-minded EMDR clinicians
Acces to Envision extensive archive of previous study group

Exclusive: New Bonus Content
10 hrs of on-demand learning with world-renowned experts Kathy Steele and Dolores Mosquera.
Specialized Advanced Sessions to Deepen your Knowledge
and EMDR Skills!
Watch on-demand at your own pace!
Module 1 - 2 hrs. Nuances of EMDR-focused History Taking In this module we will explore the challenges of taking a trauma history with clients who become too activated and discuss what sort of information is actually needed to proceed in therapy. First, we will discuss assessment strategies that can help the therapist determine whether the client is ready for a more detailed trauma history or not. Second, several approaches that will support the therapist in having enough information without triggering the client will be discussed. Third, we will explore how to manage clients who are overly eager to share minute and horrific details of trauma so that they become less present. Finally, we will discuss how to deal with history taking with the extremely avoidant client. Cases will illustrate assessment strategies.
Module 2 - 2 hrs. Prerequisites for trauma processing in EMDR therapy: Stabilization tools beyond safe space. How do we know when a client is not yet ready to process traumatic memories? What skills and capacities are necessary for trauma processing? This module will examine stabilization not only from a perspective of getting the client ready to work on traumatic memories, but as an essential part of therapy that provides necessary capacities that improve the client’s life in general. Stabilization involves a series of highly complex abilities to understand and relate to oneself and others, to identify, tolerate and regulate both positive and negative emotions, and to make adaptive decisions. We will look at how to help clients learn mindfulness, emotion identification and regulation and impulse control; how to overcome avoidance of exploring their own inner experience; how to help clients understand the mind of others; how to navigate relationship closeness and distance and tolerate normal ruptures; and how to maintain safety.
Module 3 - 2 hrs. EMDR therapy and self-harm: Guidelines and considerations for treatment. This module will help participants acquire basic knowledge on how to work with self-harm. We will explore the triggers for these behaviors and the many functions that self-harm serves in clients. The complexities of safety planning and reduction of self-harm will be discussed, and specific treatment approaches will be offered. Several case examples will illustrate treatment approaches. We will also explore various countertransference feelings toward self-harming clients and how to shift to a more compassionate and positive approach.
Module 4 - 2 hrs. Working with suicidality; Can I Use EMDR with clients who report suicidal ideation? This module will help clinicians learn to identify the triggers of suicidal ideation and work with clients who have acute or chronic suicidality. We will explore safety plans, specific EMDR interventions and the integration of a variety of other approaches to support suicidal clients. We will also discuss countertransference that may interfere with treatment and how to work through it to a more adaptive approach to suicidality.
Module 5 - 2 hrs. Identifying and working with resistance in EMDR therapy Resistance is often encountered in work with clients with developmental trauma and dissociation. In fact, it is an expected part of treatment for most clients who naturally avoid painful experiences. This webinar will normalize resistance as an attempt of the client to protect. A compassionate curiosity on the part of the therapist will support careful exploration of the intended adaptive meaning of resistance. We will discuss how to recognize various forms of resistance, how to manage countertransference, and explore various approaches to decreasing resistance and improving the collaboration of the client, utilizing EMDR and additional approaches.

Just added: New Bonus Content
4 hrs of on-demand learning with world-renowned expert Arianne Struik, Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Consultant
Specialized Advanced Sessions to Deepen your Knowledge
and EMDR Skills!
EMDR with Chronic Trauma; Troubleshooting with Dissociation and Abreactions
EMDR and Target Selection for Guilt and Shame
Module 1 - 2 hrs. EMDR with Chronic Trauma; Troubleshooting with Dissociation and Abreactions When clients self-harm or are suicidal, EMDR can be tricky. We need to manage the risks and want to make sure we don’t make things worse which puts us in a difficult dilemma. In this program Arianne Struik will discuss self-harming and suicidal behavior from a trauma lens. When the anger towards the perpetrator is misplaced and turns inside, clients can become depressed, self harm, and engage in suicidal and risk-taking behavior. They feel guilty and ashamed for what is done to them, what they have done, or what they feel they should have done. During EMDR processing, these negative beliefs are dismantled and changed. Some clients, however, get stuck in guilt and shame before or during processing. Then there is also the fear the client could get seriously injured or commit suicide when we start with EMDR. Arianne will discuss how to assess the risk for clients to start with EMDR, what is needed in preparation, and how to set up the EMDR processing in a safe way. She will also elaborate on Shapiro’s plateaus of processing and how to use this framework to understand why the client is stuck and which interweaves to use in which part of the processing.
Module 2 - 2 hrs. EMDR and Target Selection for Guilt and Shame Applying EMDR to adults and children with chronic trauma can be challenging. In this two-hour presentation, Arianne Struik will provide an overview of all you need to know to get started. We will discuss the case conceptualization, which targets to pick (and not pick), how to prioritize targets, and how to determine realistic goals with clients who still live in chronic traumatizing circumstances. Potential barriers for clients to engage in EMDR will be discussed as well as why clients get stuck during processing. Arianne Struik will discuss what clients need to overcome those barriers. Lastly, Arianne Struik will explain troubleshooting when clients dissociate, have pseudoseizures, and have strong emotional reactions based on the latest research in the EMDR field.
Over 20 hrs of additional on-demand content:
Enhance your practice & deepen your sills!
In-Depth Review of the
EMDR 8 Phases & 3-Pronge Approach:
History Taking
Preparation & Stabilization
Assessment & Desensitization
Installation & Body Scan
Closure and Re-evaluation
Targeting sequence
Screening for dissociation
Future template
Working with
different protocols & population
Recent Traumatic Events Protocol
Protocol for Excessive Grief
Enhancing Positive Emotion
and Performance With EMDR -
EMDR and children
Working with first responders
EMDR and Schizophrenia and psychosis
EMDR with Anxiety Disorders
Phobia protocol script
Panic disorders
OCD protocol script
EMDR for depression
EMDR & Racial Trauma
We are proud to be the only academy offering additional courses included
at no extra cost in your registration.
We are open and ready to answer your email:
Monday - Friday from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time (except on statutory holidays when our office is closed)