On-Demand Course
(1 YEAR access)

$145 CAD + tax
$129 USD

Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychotherapists, MFTs, LPCs, graduate-level Counselors

100 % online with 1 YEAR access: Develop your skills from the comfort of your home office.
Helping Traumatized Clients Navigate in a World that can be Unstable and Frightening
Benefits of this Workshop
Learn how to help already traumatized clients navigate more successfully in a world that can be unstable and frightening.
Learn how the therapeutic relationship can bridge the gap between fear and safety.
Learn interventions to work with clients' inner critic that often intensifies in the face of uncertainty.
Learn how to help clients grapple with the existential issues that are heightened in the present.
Workshop Description​
​During this workshop, we will discuss how to help our already traumatized clients navigate more successfully in a world that can be unstable and frightening, particularly focusing on how the therapeutic relationship can bridge the gap between fear and safety. When clients feel unsafe, their anxiety levels often increase, leading to a range of symptoms that can complicate the therapeutic process.
We will discuss the social management of the “adaptive illusion” of safety, what it means in therapy, and how we are affected when society fails to protect us from the terror of annihilation. Then we will explore how to manage our own distress and dysregulation, as therapists, through compassion for our inner critic, meaning-making, living by our core values, and creating connection to ground us.
You will learn how to help your clients grapple with the existential issues that are heightened in the present so that they can enjoy everyday life even when they feel uncertain and unsafe about the outside world.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Explain how to accept the paradox of certainty and safety as illusion.
Identify at least two (2) existential issues that emerge from lack of safety and how to work with them effectively.
Use at least two (2) interventions to work with clients' inner critic that often intensifies in the face of uncertainty.
Describe at least two (2) ways to compassionately understand and work with our own inner critics (as therapists).
Explain how to increase clients' internal sense of safety even when the outside world is uncertain.​
The Envision Difference
100 % online: Develop your skills from the comfort of your home or office via Zoom.
1 YEAR access: 1 YEAR of access to the workshop recording and materials and receive a certificate with CEs for home study learning. *Exception applies, see CE section below
Workshop Schedule - Eastern Time (ET)
90 minutes
​What is an adaptive illusion of safety?
How societies and cultures support the illusion of safety
Terror management theory
What happens when society fails in protecting us with the illusion of
Safety? -
How we can reclaim safety as therapists
90 minutes
Thinking about existential issues in the context of threat
What is an existential crisis and what can we do about it?
Existential issues as foreground and background: Learning to pendulate
What helps resolve existential crisis?
60 minutes
When basic assumptions about the world are shattered
What can we learn from groups under threat?
What beliefs do we hold that support a sense of safety?
What values tide us over periods of existential anxiety?
How our inner critics respond to threat
60 minutes
​How we can help our clients when they feel unsafe
Meaning making from the perspective of focusing on how we live, rather than on what is happening externally
Regulating the nervous systems
Increasing internal sense of safety

About Kathy Steele, MN, CS, APRN
Kathy Steele has been in private practice since 1985, and with Metropolitan Psychotherapy Associates in Atlanta, Georgia since 1988. She was Clinical Director of Metropolitan Counseling Services, a non- profit psychotherapy and training center until 2016. She is a Past President and Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), and has also served two terms on the Board of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). Kathy served on the International Task Force that developed treatment guidelines for Dissociative Disorders, and on the Joint International Task Force that has developed treatment guidelines for Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. She has received a number of awards for her work, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from ISSTD, an Emory University Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Cornelia B. Wilbur Award for Outstanding Clinical Contributions from ISSTD. Kathy has (co) authored numerous book chapters, peer reviewed journal articles, and three books with her colleagues.
Continuing Education (CE) Credits:
5 CE credits/contact hours awarded
*CE credits also available for the home study version!
See our FAQ section below for more information
Association of Social Work Board (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.
Envision Counselling and Consulting, Inc., #1895, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 01/19/2025 – 01/19/2028. Social workers completing this course receive 5 clinical continuing education credits.
National Board for Certified Counselors
Envision Counselling and Consulting has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7241. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Envision Counselling and Consulting is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.​​
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
Envision Counselling & Consulting, Inc. is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Envision Counselling & Consulting, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) ​
CCPA has reviewed and approved the content of this workshop for 5 CEC.
The BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC)
This workshop is eligible for 5 CE Credits.
Please ensure to check with your individual state boards/regulatory body to verify Continuing Education Credit Hours requirements and if the workshop you are planning to take qualifies. Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about a specific course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.

What are the requirements for obtaining CEs?
Participants must have paid the tuition fee, logged in at the start of the live interactive webinar and logged out at the end, and attended the entire webinar to receive a certificate. Attendees will need to sign in by typing their first and last name in the chat box at the start of the workshop and sign out by typing their first and last name in the chat box at the end of the workshop. Failure to log in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. An evaluation form will be made available to attendees at the end of the live workshop. The link to the evaluation form will be posted in the chat box. Certificates will be available following workshop completion. If participants cannot be present live for the entire workshop, they will have the option to watch the recording (home study) version of the presentation and will have access to Self-Study CE credits after completion of a short quiz.
Do I have to pay extra for CE credits?
No. The cost of CE credits is included with your workshop registration fee.​
Yes. You can access the recording in the home study version, watch it in its entirety, and then pass a quiz with a score of 75% or higher. After taking the quiz, you will be able to download a certificate as proof of completion.
How do I access the home study version when it becomes available?
You will be emailed 24 hrs after you register with instructions on how you can access Envision's online learning platform. Sign in to your online account: Locate the email and click on your personal sign-in link to set your password. You cannot locate the email we sent? Login directly through the platform. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser: https://on-demand.envisionworkshops.com/pages/home-page To login, use the email address you provided when you registered for the workshop. To create your password, click on "Forgot Password" and set up a password for your account. If you already have an account and password, use those credentials to login.
How long do I have to review the recording?
You will have 1 YEAR to review the recording.
What is the refund policy?
There are no Refunds on purchased.
If I have special needs or require accommodations, what do I do?
Email registration@envisionservices.ca prior to purchasing the course to request accommodations or discuss your needs. Envision cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
If I have a complaint or grievance, who do I contact?
Please email registration@envisionservices.ca. All grievances must be in writing and will be replied to within 5 - 10 business days.
Is there commercial support or a conflict of interest for this presentation?
Kathy Steele receives a speaking honorarium from Envision. There are no known conflicts of interests for this program. Envision does not receive any financial support for this presentation. Literature may be referred to during the presentation. Envision will not receive any book royalties and was not offered any financial incentives for the mention of those books. Please note that authors of these books will get a royalty from any sale made of their books as per their agreement with the publishing company. For more information on any potential conflict of interest or financial support, attendees may email Envision at registration@envisionservices.ca.
What are the course interaction and system requirements?
System requirements: • Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher • Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher • Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible