Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychotherapists, MFTs, LPCs, graduate-level Counselors, any other mental health professionals/providers.
100% online with 1 year access: Develop your skills from the comfort of your home
Original Air Date: February 3rd, 2024
Course Description
Have you been looking for experiential interventions to help clients who are having a hard time with self-compassion?
Are you looking for new interventions to help your clients heal from feelings of shame and guilt? Do you need new tools to help your client decrease their self-judgment and increase their self-worth?
We have all been hearing about the importance of self-compassion in the process of growing emotional and mental well-being in recent years. For most of us though, we face clients that can have a hard time accessing and growing self compassion. Some clients have taken in, that without harshness there will be no self improvement. Furthermore, that it is weak or self-indulgent to be kind to themselves or have experienced so much trauma that accessing kindness towards themselves feels like a pipe dream.
In this course you will learn about the neuroscience of self-compassion, discover ways to teach clients about neuroscience, learn interventions that help clients access those states of self-compassion in their brain, and learn interventions that support clients who have a hard time with kindness towards self. You will also learn how to increase your own self-compassion to increase response flexibility with your clients and prevent burnout.
Jules will show new videos with clinical examples that will show you how these interventions work in the therapeutic room so that you can take these ideas out of the land of thought and into your clinical practice right away.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Describe at least two (2) changes that occur in the brain between self-judgment and self-compassion.
List five (5) interventions that can help clients access self-compassion.
Identify at least two (2) blocks within self that stop self-compassion.
Apply a soothing practice within therapy to increase self-compassion in difficult clinical moments.
Describe the research that correlates positive client outcome with level of self-compassion within the therapist.
Identify at least two (2) reasons that self-compassion as a therapist can increase response flexibility and decrease burnout.
The Envision Difference
100 % online: Develop your skills from the comfort of your home or office.
Q & A: Have questions for the presenter related to the program content? Send us an email and we'll pass your question on to the presenter.
1 Year access: Your registration comes with 1 year of access to the recorded program and to any materials the presenter has made available. Once you finish the program's requirements, you can receive a certificate with CEs for home study learning. *Exception applies, see CE section below
Course Schedule
50 minutes
Neurobiology of self-judgment and Self-compassion
Brain processes in empathy
Brain processes in judgment
Brain Processes in self compassion
Brain Processes in giving compassion
Brain processes in receiving compassion
Brain shifts when clients access self-compassion
30 minutes
Clinical Outcome Research and Increasing Therapist Skill
Self-compassion of therapist and client outcome
Self-compassion of therapist and response flexibility
20 minutes
Self-compassion of therapist and lowering Empathic Fatigue
Deliberate Practice Research in Therapist Training
50 minutes
Self Compassion and the Therapist
Explore how a psychological boundary can increase therapist regulation
Explore blocks within self that prevent self compassion
Develop an internal soothing practice
Explore the basal ganglia’s support in the compassion gesture
80 minutes
Interventions to help client access Self-Compassion
Explaining basal ganglia to clients
Guiding clients to find self-compassion gesture
Exploring the high 5
Self compassion and loving kindness meditations
Developing a client-centered self-compassion meditation
40 minutes
Using imagery of color to increase self compassion
When compassion is difficult to access
Finding coherence in challenging behaviors to increase self compassion
Parts map to find self compassion

About Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC-S, LMFT-S, SEP
Juliane Taylor Shore, LMFT, LPC, SEP, is a therapist, author, and teacher who is creating spaces where people can move into more self-compassion, self-trust, empowerment, and integrity. She regularly teaches and speaks to people from all around the world and translates new understandings in neurobiology into practices that can support brain change. She came into the therapy world as a client who argued that feelings didn’t matter only to find herself all these years later having followed neuroscience to the obvious conclusion: we are really feeling and meaning making beings driven by our interdependence. She believes that embracing that reality is key to finding purpose and deep joy. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, Adam, their daughter, Stella, and their rescue pointer mix, Layla. When she isn’t thinking about therapy or reading the latest neurobiology research, she can be found watching the British Baking Show while creating art shoes for her dear friends.
Continuing Education (CE) Credits:
4.5 CE credits/contact hours awarded
See our FAQ section below for more information
Association of Social Work Board (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.
Envision Counselling and Consulting, Inc., #1895, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 1/19/2025-1/19/2028. Social workers completing this course receive 4.5 clinical continuing education credits.
National Board for Certified Counselors
Envision Counselling and Consulting has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7241. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Envision Counselling and Consulting is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
Envision Counselling & Consulting, Inc. is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Envision Counselling & Consulting, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)
CCPA has reviewed and approved the content of this program for 4.5 CEC​
Please ensure to check with your individual state boards/regulatory body to verify Continuing Education Credit Hours requirements and if the program you are planning to take qualifies. Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about a specific course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.

What are the requirements for obtaining CEs?
Participants must have paid the tuition fee, watched the entire recorded program, and passed a quiz with a score of 75% or higher before they will have access to CE credits. *For ASWB CE Credits, in addition to the above, a mandatory evaluation will need to be completed prior to a certificate being issued.
Do I have to pay extra for CE credits?
No. The cost of CE credits is included with your course registration fee.​
How long do I have to review the recording?
You will have 1 year (from the day of registration) to review the recording of this on-demand course.
What is the refund policy?
There are no refunds available for the purchase of on-demand programs. Please email for any questions or concerns.
If I have special needs or require accommodations, what do I do?
Email at least five (5) business days prior to the live workshop to request accommodations or discuss your needs. Envision cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
If I have a complaint or grievance, who do I contact?
Please email All grievances must be in writing and will be replied to within 5 - 10 business days.
Is there commercial support or a conflict of interest for this presentation?
Juliane Taylor Shore receives a speaking honorarium from Envision. There are no known conflicts of interests for this program. Envision does not receive any financial support for this presentation. Literature may be referred to during the presentation. Envision will not receive any book royalties and was not offered any financial incentives for the mention of those books. Please note that authors of these books will get a royalty from any sale made of their books as per their agreement with the publishing company. For more information on any potential conflict of interest or financial support, attendees may email Envision at
What are the course interaction and system requirements?
This course is a recorded version of a live webinar. This course is self-paced/non-interactive. Attendees may email Envision if they have questions for the presenter. Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher Internet browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible. Media viewing requirements: Adobe Reader, Flash Player.